Friday, 5 April 2013

In the Spotlight: Carol Powell Cox

Today's interview is with: Carol Cox of Ginkgo Leaf Studio

Hello and welcome to the place where bravehearts meet! I am so happy to have you here!

Please introduce yourself to my blogreaders: 
My name is Carol Cox and I am president and founder of Ginkgo Leaf Studio. I help women who are ready, learn to connect the dots between body, mind, and spirit via meditation and relaxation, core based movement, and thought work.
Ginkgo Studios
How did you find out what your calling is ? 
Very circuitously !  My background is in art and design, and I suddenly felt compelled to continue my journey by becoming a Pilates teacher.  As soon as I started teaching, I began to become fascinated with all things mind body, which led me to the place of integrated mind body work and coaching that I offer today.

Please share your favorite thing about your business: 
My favorite thing about my business is helping women get back to their inner selves after many years of being outer focused.

What was your bravest step? 
I think that would have to be leaving the art and design field to learn to teach movement!  Something totally foreign to me, but I somehow knew it had a purpose.

As you know I am a Dreamcoach where I help heartcentred people connect with their passion, mission, and vision. What are you dreaming about? 
I dream of my vision for Ginkgo Leaf Studio growing to the point where I have helped thousands of women.

What are your top 3 tips to keep balance as an Entrepreneur ? 
You must, must, must make time for self care, you must put systems in place so that you are not overwhelmed with all of the great ideas constantly flowing to you, and you must have help in terms of a team.

How can we find you?,,,

Dreamheartsmartart is a place to get inspired and to share with an open heart. What would you like to offer to my readership? 

FREE workbook

I invite you to visit my website and download my free ebook that offers a simple process to help you connect your mind and body, and work with the clarity that results.

You can find Carol's FREE E-BOOK here.

Thank you so much!  Thank you!

On April 14th my E-Book will be ready to share with the world.

Love and light,



Sage Grayson said...

Great interview, Carol!

Andrea, I'm so excited about your new book!!! I'll be contacting you soon about doing an interview for my website so my readers can get your book too. :)

Carol Cox said...

Andrea, thank you so much for profiling my business! Looking forward to reading many more interviews of fellow entrepreneurs.

Andrea said...

Carol! You are more than welcome! Love, Andrea

Andrea said...

Sage* wow, thank you so much! So happy I will be featured with my E-book on your beautiful website! Andrea