Monday 26 November 2012

Blogchallenge on Monday: S.E.L.F.C.a.r.E

Welcome to my blogchallenge! Today's topic is:


As a mother and an entrepreneur it is THE topic.

My eyes start to sparkle when I dream about spa days, hanging out in cafés, writing and creating in silence. So I have to plan these huge events (that's what they are for me: huge).

Here is a picture from last week when I have been in New York and my eyes were sparkling.

But I decided not to wait until day X is back, so I put sweet little habits in my every day life.

          For me that means:
  • Making myself a really good cappucino with chocolate powder.
  • Meditating 10 minutes during the children's nap time.
  • Totally unplugging a little bit each day.
  • Sitting on the floor, in the grass.
  • Taking a shower in the middle of the afternoon.
  • Listening to my heart.

To listen to my heart has become the most important self- care tool. It allows me to feel how I feel and not to judge it, to be aware of my deepest wishes, to be fully present in the moment.

With this practice the voice of the inner critic can go away. And honestly, what I see in my coaching- practice: The inner critic is the most common enemy. It stops you from beeing YOU, it stops your power, gets in the way of your passion.

So for today, I want you to listen carefully to your inner voice. How the communication is going. What words you are saying to yourself. Notice it.

This awareness is the first step to a wonderful realtion ship with YOU!

YOU are beautiful!

Please share in the comments below:

What are your insights about the inner critic and please share one self-care tool.

Love & Light, Andrea

Next challenge: 10th december: Playfulness

Herzlich willkommen bei meiner Blogchallenge zum Thema Self-care/ Selbstpflege/ Wohlbefinden Zeit mit dir.

Letzte Woche war ich in New York und wie du auf dem Bild sehen kannst, haben meine Augen richtig geleuchtet.

Meine Augen beginnen beim Gedanken an Wellnesstage, Rumtrödeln in Cafés, in Ruhe kreativ zu sein oder zu schreiben, zu strahlen.

Doch als Mama und Entrepreneurin ist dies eher Luxus und deshalb geniesse ich die kleinen Dinge in meinem Leben.
          Mich nährt und erfüllt:
  • ein Cappucino mit Schokostreusel
  • 10 Minuten meditieren
  • Komplett offline zu gehen
  • Am Boden oder im Gras zu sitzen
  • Eine Dusche zu nehmen mitten am Nachmittag
  • Auf mein Herz zu hören

Auf mein Herz zu hören, ist zu meinem wichtigsten Ritual geworden. Dies erlaubt mir, mir über meine Gefühle und Stimmungen klar zu werden und diese so anzunehmen, wie sie sind. Dadurch bin ich auch meinem inneren Kritiker entkommen.
In meiner Coachingtätigkeit stelle immer wieder fest, dass diese kritische Stimme bei vielen Menschen präsent ist. Oftmals wird sie aber gar nicht als solche bemerkt. Doch wenn du dir selbst gegenüber immer wieder kritisch begegnest, sabotierst du dich selber und stehst deinem Glück im Wege.

Für heute möchte ich, dass du dir bewusst Zeit dafür nimmst, zuzuhören, wie du dir selber begegnest. Wie denkst du über dich, wie sprichst du innerlich zu dir? Welche Worte kommen vor?
Nimm es einfach wahr.

Bewusstwerden ist der erste Schritt zu einer positiven Veränderung.

Bitte teile mit uns deine Erfahrungen und Einsichten zum Thema Selbstkritik und verrate uns, was du dir Gutes tust!

Herzlichst Andrea

Nächste Challenge: 10. Dezember: Verspieltheit


Sage Grayson said...

Andrea, your eyes are sparkling and you look so pretty! Self-care is very important, but sometimes I forget to take care of myself when I'm too busy taking care of everyone else. My favorite self-care things to do are singing and reading a good book. Love the blog challenge! :)

Here's my link for the blog challenge:

suzi poland said...

Andrea, I love your post. with your list of sweet little habits. It's lovely to catch up on this challenge again. The theme has come at a perfect time for me, between my Open Studio and my next project, It has been lovely to write about a few of my favourite ways to take care of myself. A day in bed is just one of them. Here is the link :)Suzi

Andrea said...

Dear Sage! It was so lovely to meet you Asheville! I enjoyed it so much to have that delicious dinner! Oh yes, eating- so important! Love and light, Andrea

Andrea said...

Dear Suzi, a day in bed! Indeed a wonderful tip! As a mother my day starts at 7- very dynamic! But your tip is really something I am looking forward to! Love and light, Andrea

Frauke Möbius said...

Dear Andrea, what a lovely post! I totally enjoyed reading your ideas of good self care. And you look gorgeous in that picture!

Here's the link to my blog post: Good Self Care

Thank you for your challenge, it's so much fun to read all the other blogs!

Jeanne said...

Hi, Andrea -
Lovely challenge today! And it fits right in with what I've been researching all weekend - the power of habit. Intentionally chosen and cultivated habits help us to build self-care into our days.

Here's a link to my blog on the subject...

Ulla B. said...

There you were in the middle of New York Andrea - looking as if you really enjoyed the luxury of being away from your family for a few days. To me travelling alone is the ultimate self-care. I come home totally energized and with lots of new inputs to share with my family. As for my familiy - they mysteriously survive my absence :)

Andrea said...

Frauke! Thank you so much! I will jump right away to your blog! Andrea

Andrea said...

Jeanne, welcome! I am so happy that you are here! Happy dance!

Andrea said...

Ulla, this is really funny what you write about that they survive! LOL! Love and light! Andrea

Esther Lankhaar said...

Hi Andrea! I will be part of the next blog-challenge again. I liked reading this blog-post. I'm so jealous you wen to NYC, I've been there twice, loooove it!
I can relate to what you writ about listening to your heart. I try to do this more and more and try not to let other, not so helpful little voices in my head take over! :-).

Andrea said...

Hi Esther- me too I love New York! Such a great city! I have been on Broadway, one of my life dreams came true. Even a dreamcoach has dreams :) Happy to have you next time! Andrea

Herdis Pala said...

To me self-care is also about simplifying your life and live a balanced life.