Monday 28 January 2013

Blogchallenge on Monday: Alignment

Hello and welcome to my first blogchallenge in 2013!

Can I still say: Happy New Year? I will and, I wish you with all my heart that 2013 will be the best year ever for you! And that you cross many brigdes of courage and faith!

View from my boat trip in New York!

Today’s topic is "Alignment“

The first thing that popped into my mind was, that in the past month, new people have come into my life. In real life and in my virtual world!

It‘s really awesome, when you‘re connected with your heart and true vision, magic happens.

One person I dropped in to was Bernardo Mendez from (Please check it out if you haven’t already).

Some weeks later, he announced a chance to win a 75 min Breakthrough session, I immediately sent my answers to his questions back.

Awesome - I was chosen! Jumping in my living- room !
I am so grateful that this opportunity showed up and I am really looking forward to that session.

A deeper sense of alignment for me personally is to become more and more the person I really am. I can let go of the old things that no longer fit me and old habits or patterns. 

I also got clearer on my goals and my vision with the help of these wonderful planners. If you haven’t mapped out your year I really recommend that you get them (I got the Combo-Pack for $17)


On my last call with my Coach Christine Kane she really encouraged me to step up and share my gifts with the world. To be brave to be seen. That really hit me and feels very powerful and scary at the same time.


And this is the most perfect place! To feel excitement and fear at the same time, right?

I let it sink in and as a lover of big dreams and double actions steps, I keep going!

Alignment also showed up in a very unexpected way. In 2012 I bought  a Style Session to get tips  to show my personality through my clothes. As I teach people about their body-image, I was longing for that "completion“ in my warderobe.

Last week I finally had that session. It was fun -pure fun and guess what?!
My bodyshape is perfect for everything in the A- ligne.

A = A-Line = Alignment as well.
That's how things come together.

Now it’s up to you:
1. Become a follower on my blog- right sidebar.
2. Tell me about one special moment in your life when you experienced pure alignement.
3. Leave your comment below. I love to read it!
4. Don’t forget to link back to your blogpost, if you created a blogpost to this topic!

Love and light, Andrea



Bernardo said...

I love your intention of alignment and love to see how this (in combination with your work) brings in exactly what you need to support your next step in your journey. Often times we feel like we have to figure our entire trip before we can set sail, when in reality all we need is the courage to take the first step.

Sending you love,


Andrea said...

Bern , this is wonderful to have you here and commenting on my blog! I am so very much looking forward to our session! Yes, courage is something I really own and for now I am so courious in which direction I will go. It feels like there is a huge change in the air!

Sending you love too- from the middle of the white Swiss Alps!

Sage Grayson said...

Hi Andrea! That's so exciting that you won the Breakthrough session! You really are connected with your vision and things are aligning for you in your life.

I love it that your body is an "A-line" too! :) I'd like to work on my style and "uplevel" my wardrobe too.

I feel most in alignment when I can give my peeps content that they connect with on a personal level. I love feeling like I've made a difference in their lives.

Here's my blog post:

Andrea said...

Oh Sage! It is always such apleasure to have you here! Let's skype very soon okay? And then we have a look at your warderobe! Let's have fun and create beautiful outfits! Love and light to you my friend! Andrea

Frauke Moebius said...

Dear Andrea, I'm so happy for you! Let winning the Breakthrough Session be only the first of many, wonderful highlights of this year!

I feel most aligned when I'm tapping with a responsive client and their issues are dropping fast. When I can see the relief in their faces and share the smiles ... that's when I feel most alive and aligned with my dreams.

It took a while for me to write it up, but here's my blog post for your wonderful challenge!

Alignment and Money

Esther Lankhaar said...

Hi Andrea, nice to read about things coming together in your life. I suppose that's what you mean by the word "alignment'? I was thinking about this word today, translated it, and couldn't really figure out what this word means exactly. Do you mean something like 'connected"?
Have a nice evening in Germany!
Greetings from Holland ;-)

Esther Lankhaar said...

Big sorry, Switzerland!

Andrea said...

Dear Frauke! I will head over to your blog tomorrow morning! Can't wait to see what you have written! Love, Andrea

Andrea said...

Hello Esther *** yes Switzerland :)
I googled the translation for you and I came up with the following:

het richten

I hope that helps! The only Dutch I can say is: Dag ik ben Andrea!

Love, Andrea

Esther Lankhaar said...

Dag Andrea ;-),
Thanks for translating, I think I have a an idea now, of way alignment means.
Auf Wiedersehen! :-)