Monday, 22 April 2013

Blogchallenge: E.A.s.E

Hello & welcome to my Blogchallenge on Monday! Today's topic is: E. A. s. E

So, that is one of my favorite topics ever! People have the tendency to make everything really complicated. People are in their head. People think in a box. People are willing to suffer and to work hard. It is like we want to proove how hard we can work and how tough we can be.

One thing I really never understood when I have been a Mimestudent in Paris. We were treatend like an Elite Group. Like special ones. On one side.

On the other side we had to sit in the spotlight, lots of eyes fixed on us, all alone on stage. Feedback time. They have beaten us up. With words. It felt like that.


They said:
We want to prepare you to be strong for the world outside.
You have to be tough, we train you.

I know that is a current behavior in theatre schools. It is the same everywhere.

I am far away of that thinking.

Creativity, Vulnerability, Passion, Love, Commitment are all coming from a place of sharing.
We open our heart  to the world.
We give.
Because we need to.
Because it feels easy.
Because it is pure.

We do not need to become hard.
It works the other way round.

Ease- we can allow ourself to respect our heart, the flow of it, to listen to the heartbeat, the wispers.
This never lies.
This never feels hard.

It feels soft and lovely and easy. It opens doors!

I want to encourage you to allow yourself to follow your path- that path that makes you smile.

This is growth.

WE do not need to hold on something that feels hard. Embrace it and then let it go.

Please share in the comment below:

1. When do you forget about time? What is easy for you?
2. If you want to participate, do not forget to link back to your blog in the comment section as well.
3. Please visit the other blogs and share your wisdom!

LOve & LigHT

Next Blogchallenge:
May:6th: Leap
20th: Allowing

Did you get my FREE E-Books? You can grab your Combo-Pack here.


Unknown said...

Hi Andrea,

I like the idea with your blogchallenge. I have posted something on my blog Barbara

Alexandra Hughes said...

I love the value you place on "ease", Andrea.

What we believe and how we see the world has so much to do with the perceived weight our jobs have in our lives.

As a mother, coach and entrepreneur I know that creating supportive beliefs around ease and passion is key to starting-up and growing a successful family-friendly home-based business.

I write about this in my blog today...

Check it out to read about the first fundamental step in helping mothers to "Start-up their heart-centred business with ease". It really doesn't have to be so difficult.

Check it out on



Andrea said...

@ Barbara! So great to have you here! Thank you for sharing and I will visit your Blog! Love, Andrea

Andrea said...

Alexandra, so we are "in the same boat"- this is wonderful, mama, entrepreneur and coach- like me. And yes, I asolutely agree that is is doable, we only need clarity! Love, Andrea